Connecting Singles to the Ideal Partner

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As an international platform, Cutefate help expand your dating opportunities. Create your member account that will connect you to millions of members who share the same passion! We have the particular matchmaking method for you to find your potential lifelong partner! Fill up your profile and try it now!

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James, 46

Ohio, US

Serena, 25

Hunan, China

Huilin, 28

Shanghai, China

Matthew, 67

England, UK

Kristina, 22


There are thousands of ladies on Cutefate who dreams of meeting “one” person to build a delightful, meaningful and long-term relationship, same as you do! So don’t hesitate just do it!

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I’m a nurse and really busy at work, so there’s no much time left for me to have a date. Cutefate give me a chance to hang out with interesting people in my limited free time. It’s nice to meet new friends from different countries. I’m expecting more from Cutefate, maybe I can find my love here.

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It was interesting when I met my husband on Cutefate. We’ve talked through the whole night at the first meet. I felt like, that must be him my Mr. Right. You know the feeling when you meet the right person, he has the same interest and habit with you, but totally different experience at the same time. You just can’t stop talking with him!

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I’m 20 years old, Cutefate is the first online dating site I try and I’m really in it. The boys around me are childish, it’s much more funny to talk with the men older than me. And I’ve found the men I fancy on Cutefate, what a magic place! Good luck to us. XD

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